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*** Update - March 2024: Josh is not currently accepting new private clients so that he can focus on current clients and complete his upcoming book. You may qualify to work one-on-one with Josh at a massive discount if you're a good candidate to be a case study for his book. E-mail me at Sarah@workempowered.com for details.***

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(It's on me.)

Josh Hickock, Founder of Work Empowered

Hi there.

I'm Josh. I help business owners who seek a fabulously profitable business, working with people they enjoy... 

...without sucking their soul dry.

I'm pretty good at a handful of things and terrible at much more.

I will be good at helping you:

  • Create a sales process and a pricing strategy that attracts ONLY your ideal customers... while weeding out the "pains in the butt" that you'd rather avoid in the first place... increasing your overall revenue while decreasing the amount of "real" work.
  • Build lean and effective teams that ACTUALLY communicate with each other and appreciate each other's roles... while decreasing gossip and office politics.
  • Adopt common sense AI strategies that will deliver you quick wins... while avoiding the time suck of you having to dive down every AI rabbit hole.
  • Reduce your overwhelm and stress by gaining confidence that things are being handled at work... without feeling like everything is gonna go to hell if you decide to start taking Fridays off to golf.

I'm terrible at:

  • Tact and diplomacy - If you need a spoonful of sugar with any coaching or advice... I'm not your guy.
  • Following the crowd - "Watch what everybody else does and do the opposite. The majority is always wrong." That's an Earl Nightingale quote that I agree with to my bones. If your goal is to keep up with the Joneses and avoid making waves in your niche... I'm not your guy.
  • Golf (but I try) - When you visit me in San Diego and want someone who will challenge you on the golf course and take your money... I'm not your guy.

This is a snapshot of my DISC scores. I learned through this assessment that I'm pretty damn good at coming up with new ideas and getting people fired up about them.

BUT... if I don't get help implementing... 

I'm screwed.

It's critical to know what you're good at and what you should stop doing immediately... and give that job to someone else.

As a TTI Success Insights Partner, I can help you and your team better understand each other's natural strengths and weaknesses so you can get the right butts in the right seats... and prevent bloodshed.

Do any of these messes sound familiar?

Don't fret. I've got some pretty good mops.

My team don't talk good.

Team communication is one of the most profitable things if you get it right and one of the costliest (in both treasure and sanity) if you get it wrong. There are only two things that your people should always be clear on. If they're not... calamity ensues.

This sonofab*tch has basically quit. But he's still showing up to work and cashing my checks!

Employee engagement is the fancypants term for making sure people aren't checking out at work by confirming they're eagerly doing their job. There's a strategy for this that keeps the engaged ones happy and get's the freeloaders to self-select out.

My best people are leaving like Scott Boras is their agent.

Retaining top talent has to go further than employee engagement strategies. As a former headhunter who specialized in representing top 1% performers... I understand the psychology behind why great people leave... and how to keep them.

Hint: It ain't the money.

Ding ding. Round 642.

Office conflicts are a pain in the tuchus. I'll help you pivot your team from constantly annoying each other to understanding why they don't see eye to eye (and never will) and why that's something to embrace... not squabble over.

It's great to have customers... but I hate mine.

Having to deal with customers that you wouldn't want to have a beer with sucks. I'll work with you to create your "perfect customer" profile and teach you how to fill your pipeline with them. There are plenty o' fish in the sea. I'll give you a speargun... instead of a big net with holes in it.

The jokers in my industry are forcing me to lower my prices.

Getting paid well above market isn't a pipedream. I'll help you frame your services in a way that will have your dream clients ecstatic to pay you boatloads more than your competitors charge.

My sales process is hope as a strategy.

If you're using a scattergun approach or leaving it up to your salespeople to cold prospect... I can help you pivot from being overreliant on your people trying to sell one lead at a time to creating a system for selling one-to-many while elevating your company's esteem within in your niche in the process.

We're constantly on the hustle for new customers. I wish we had more repeat business.

The easiest customers to get are the ones you already have. This is a big topic but there are three things that make a huge difference in getting a customer to buy over and over. Each one is easy enough to do on its own. When you combine all three... $$$!

Congrats, Pat!

Pat Roscopf of Oceanside, CA, won the grand prize of the 2023 cohort... tickets to The Masters. We helped Pat adopt a webinar funnel strategy and exceed his ambitious revenue goal by 250%!

Will he be "slipping the green jacket" onto you next??